Why We’re Loving Fall at UVM

First and foremost, downtown is absolutely hustling and bustling with events!

Lately, it has seemed like every week there is a new wave of great new events happening in our nearby area. Our calendar isn’t usually as likely to be stocked quite so chock full of goings-on as it is during the months between September and December. Weekly events like the Arts Riot Truck stops kept up the constant flow of energy and activity, as well as exciting new happenings like the advent of the Eat x NE festival, and the WYSIWYG festival. Even though the warm nights are over and we’re starting to have to bundle up for these colder months, the events are still flying in left and right. With Halloween on the way, we’re getting particularly excited about spooky events like Nightmare Vermont and thinking it might be time to try Queen City Ghost Tours

Secondly…let’s talk about that FOLIAGE this year…am I right?

Fall 2014 has undoubtedly had some of the best foliage that Vermont has seen in YEARS! We here at BORED have been going crazy for this marvelous foliage, especially since we’ve had the privilege of seeing everyone’s great foliage pics through #uvmpotd. Check out ongoing foliage reports from the “Leaf Squad” here! Also, fun fact: UVM happens to be a USA Tree Campus, which means that we meet 5 tree-y standards to qualify. Right now, we’re in the running for some prizes in order to receive even MORE trees for our wonderful campus! To help us win, you can vote here!

Thirdly, the great outdoors has had absolutely perfect weather for [insert just about anything here]!

Whether you’re a hiking, kayaking, biking, running, badminton, frisbee, soccer, cloud-watching, star-gazing, etc. fan, this is absolutely the best time of the year to get outside and do it. UVM-ers had a great opportunity to do some hiking AND raise scholarship money this past month during the Catamountain Classic, which succeeded in having the UVM community join together to hike 273 miles of the Long Trail! You can see some of the great instagrams taken on the hike here.

Last but certainly not least, is the fact that we’ve been filling our bellies with delicious fall-y food and drink.

My guilty pleasure, like so many others, is pumpkin spice coffee. Although admittedly, it may not be the greatest flavor combination in the world, and perhaps not the classiest drink, I absolutely cannot stay away from it this time of year. Something about that tantalizing blend of warm cozy coffee and spicy delicious pumpkininess just gets me going! We’ve also been grooving on apples this fall! There has been no shortage of apple themed foods around campus–from apple latkes at the Marché to apple crisp at Harris Millis, there’s just no avoiding this hearty fall favorite, and we’re not complaining!

What have you been loving about fall here? Show us your autumn-y pictures by tagging #uvmpotd !