A Valentine’s Day in Burlington

Although it is one of the coldest and snowiest college towns in America, a cold winter in Burlington is also one of the most romantic, with ample cuddling opportunities to beat the chill. This Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to make the most of this little city, because there’s a little bit of everything here for you, from dinner to the movie to the cold and crisp stargazing. If you want to bundle up and hit the town this February 14th, I’ve got you covered.



To start off on the right note, I want to get down to the sweet stuff first things first, with the fruity, nutella-y, whipped cream-y, scrumptiously delicious Lovemaker Crepe at the Skinny Pancake. Sweet stuff is really what Valentine’s Day is all about for most of us, which is why a yummy filled crepe from the Skinny is a great way to be the start, finish, or middle of your Valentine’s celebrations this year. The restaurant also has a full dinner menu to go along with your dessert, so if you’ve got room for the whole caboodle, you can’t go wrong with a Valentine’s day dinner at the Skinny—be sure to reserve a window seat, because if you’re there at the right time in the evening you might get to see a legendary Lake Champlain sunset, and it really doesn’t get any more romantic than that.

Then again, if you’re a more hands-on kind of person, this time of year you can get right out there ON the lake to enjoy the sunset. That’s right, a frozen Lake Champlain might be an exciting excursion for you and your date. It’ll certainly get your heart racing, but the frozenness of the lake makes it perfectly safe to walk out on. You’ll be literally walking on water!


Music & Movies.

If it’s music that makes your heart sing, there is of course no shortage of Valentine’s Day concerts to groove out to on Friday night. You can check out my blog on Burlington’s music venues for a fuller rundown of all of the Burlington locations. For starters, ArtsRiot kicks off some musical jams most nights. Or you could swing by the Light Club or Radio Bean for some pretty sweet and smooth Valentine’s tunes (and increasingly amazing decor). But, if you want to get a little wilder Higher Ground is guaranteed to be anything but boring!

The movie theater is another wonderful place to spend Valentine’s Day this year, and if you’ve got any Cats at the Movies tickets saved up it is definitely a cheap date (wink, wink!). Valentines Day always lines up with Oscar season, so our local cozy nickelodeon,  Merrill’s Roxy Cinema, will probably be screening some slick Oscar shorts and insanely dramatic cinema, as the Best Picture nominations gear up for the big show, so if you want to relax and kick it old school with dinner and a movie check out their showtimes online.



If you’re in the mood for a mini-roadtrip to get out of town, Vermont’s quaint capital city of Montpelier is like a mini romantic getaway. They boast some of the best restaurants in the area, beautiful views of the lit-up Capitol building at night, and on Valentine’s Day, the whole town is covered head-to-toe in thousands of paper hearts from the mysterious “Montpelier Valentine Phantom”, who has been secretly spreading love in Vermont for years. It is a sight to see, for sure.

For the more active of you, a trip over to North Beach under the starry night sky makes an excellent sledding opportunity! With all of the wonderful snow fall that’s likely to be on the ground, it’s bound to be a beautiful and wintery day to get out there and just play! If sledding isn’t your thing, there are many lovely trails and nature walks through the park that are a wonderful way to get outside and enjoy the season and spend quality time with someone you care about. And afterwards, warm up and dry off with a warm cup of tea or mug of hot chocolate at a favorite café like Muddy Waters!

Another way to enjoy a beautiful snowy night on Friday will be at the full moon sleigh ride at Shelburne Farms. It doesn’t get much more romantic than “moonlight in Vermont” and being pulled through the lovely natural landscapes at Shelburne Farms.

Wishing you a loving and happy Valentine’s Day this snowy season! XOXO!