The Scoop on “Burlington Street Style”

Recently, I got a chance to chat with the woman behind the newly launched blog called “Burlington Street Style”, which has been chronicling and capturing Burlington’s unique sense of style all summer. Read our interview with Mariel Golden to learn more about the blog, and be sure to check it out for yourself for some wonderful Burlington-friendly fashion inspiration for the upcoming school year!
Tell us a little about yourself; what brings you to Burlington? What do you do here besides blogging?
I am Student at UVM. I am going to be a senior this year and I am studying Political Science. When I am not blogging I am I
debate for UVM’s Debate team called The Lawrence Debate Union. This past year I was finalist at the North American Debating Championships hosted in Toronto. This year I am organizing the North American Women’s Debating Championships which will be hosted right here at UVM.
What inspired you to start the blog?
I was inspired to start the blog because I love fashion. I think it is one of the most important forms of expression people have on a daily basis. Burlington is such an interesting place in terms of style because people are always wearing unique clothing, and I realized that there was nobody capturing Burlington’s “style”.
Tell us a little about the blog; when did you start? How often do you usually post? How do you grow your readership?
I began the blog this June. So it is really young–less than two months. I try to post every other day, but would like to post daily (I have been away the past few weeks so it has been a bit less). I am also thinking of getting some other students to help do some of the photography and social media. I am hoping to grow my readership by getting a better handle on social media. I don’t have Twitter or Instagram, but I am going to get on those platforms soon in order to promote the blog. I also think that content is key; if you have something worth looking at, people will become interested, so I am trying to think of ideas that will be interesting and provide readers with information and inspiration. The blog is about capturing what is unique and current in Burlington, as well as about promoting local stores and designers in Burlington and Vermont.
Are you interested in fashion? What is your experience with fashion? Who would you point to as your fashion and/or
blogging inspiration?
As I mentioned, I really do love fashion. Personally, my interest stems from within. I think getting ready in the morning and planning what you are wearing with intent is something people should embrace. Clothing is empowering and informative. Fashion is our most intimate and pervasive art because it’s a chance to promote individuality and it’s just everywhere! I really like the manrepeller and trendsandtolstoy, two stye blogs I follow. Also I am a big fan of Vogue. I also follow models on Facebook like Lindsey Wixson, and Coco Rocha. I am also a big fan of Kate Moss and the Olsen Twins.
How do you track people down in the street, and what is it like to talk to so many strangers about their clothes?
I find people on the street by literally walking around Burlington at different times of the day and going up to people who are wearing cool outfits. So I have a lot of personal power when it comes to dictating the image of Burlington Street Style. I love stopping people on the street because people are usually really flattered and excited to be photographed. Sometimes its daunting going up to people you don’t know, but I just have to push myself to get over any fear I have and go for it! The worst that can happen is that they say no.
What are some of your favorite outfits that you’ve found in Burlington so far?
My favorite outfits have been some of the bohemian looks and as well as the trio in the post “Burli on the Street, Where folk meets Punk”.
How would you describe Burlington’s general fashion sense?
Burlington has a lot of boho, punk, and grunge picked together. You get the flowing pants, maxi dresses, hippie vibes, but with an edge when you see people with black boots, tattoos. If I had to think of a way to describe Burlington Street Style it would be like a hippie couple from the 60s-70s dressing to go to a Nirvana concert in the 90s.
What do you see for the future of your blog? How long do you think you’ll keep writing and posting?
I hope to blog for the next school year for sure, but I hope the blog will continue after I leave school as well. Perhaps I will find someone to take it over when the time comes. As for me, who knows! Maybe I will enter the world of personal style blogging. I enjoy coming up with creative concepts and photography so I hope to continue blogging in the future!
Follow this link if you want to see Mariel’s blog for yourself!