Cats At the Movies Review: American Hustle

by Ruby LaBrusciano-Carris

Before I saw the movie, I was definitely surprised when I heard that American Hustle was nominated for ten Academy Awards this season—something about the way that they had marketed themselves, between the title of the film, the cheesy poster format, and the choice of actors like Amy Adams and Bradley Cooper (who are notoriously chick-flick-esque) had made me think that American Hustle was just another billion-dollar throwaway from Hollywood. Surprisingly enough for me, those nominators were more right than I could have guessed, because despite everything that had painted the movie as just another ditzy blockbuster, this one actually turned out to be quite a bit more interesting.


The first thing that caught my eye was the opening credits, which immediately start to take the audience back to the late 70s with a signature disco font and the use of the versions of the production companies’ logos from the same time, complete with their original the tacky animation. A touch like that is not common in most of these Hollywood-y movies nowadays, and it made it clear right from the start that the producers of this film were much more aware of nuance and finishing touches—they had set out to do it right.

Past the opening credits, American Hustle, which is up for Best Costume Design at the Oscars, keeps up its game with all the glamour of the 70s. There are fur coats and printed suits galore, which make a fitting background for the plot’s revisit to the ABSCAM scandal of the late 1970s and the rebuilding of Atlantic City in New Jersey. An all-star cast bedecked in the costume department’s finest weave their way in and out of this story of con-men and politicians, which is all based in the true story of one FBI operation gone awry.

This is certainly a heist film, but it takes a step away from the heist movies that have caught Americans’ attention in the past, like the Bourne enterprise and Ocean’s Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen. Instead of focusing the action on guns and technology, or relying on fast-paced violence to keep you on the edge of your seat, American Hustle knows that its virtues lie in it’s story and its creative design. By choosing instead to use scandal as the platform for a morality play, American Hustle reaches greater depths than any other heist movie that I’ve seen. Its plot is more complicated and interesting, and leaves you walking away still thinking about what just happened.

If not simply to keep up on the year’s biggest movies and most important Oscar nominations, go see American Hustle because it’s unlike anything else out there right now. It’s also fun and entertaining, and best of all, because we go to UVM we can go see it for FREE! So while it’s still at Merrill’s Roxy, come and pick up your Cats at the Movies ticket so that you don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

Each week on Monday (or the first school day of the week) at 8 AM stop by the Department of Student Life’s Office on the 3rd floor of the Dudley H. Davis Center and snag a ticket.  Tickets sell out FAST, so be sure to get here early to ensure you get yours. Pick a movie night – Thursday through Saturday, and bring your ticket (and student ID) to The Roxy and check out any film after 6PM. Enjoy your film (and maybe some popcorn)!