9 Fall Styles You Will Most Definitely See at UVM

The UVM Green, Fall UVM Campus

The leaves are a changin’, and the weather is (supposed to be) getting cooler – with it, the great metamorphosis from UVM summer style to UVM fall style is starting to occur.

Our Spring Style Blog was such a hit that we decided to do it again. Over the past few weeks, we’ve done some extensive people watching (paired with little tidbits from our own personal styles) to come up with 9 distinctively unique fall UVM styles.  Own your fall flair – you look fabulous.


The ‘Sweater Weather’ 

Fall Style Blog

Ahh, the classic UVM fall attire. I have to admit there’s nothing cozier than wearing a sweater/ flannel and leggings with some type of boots, most likely Bean Boots. You know what would be really interesting though? Sweater leggings, sweaters, and Bean Boots.  You heard it here first. #StyleGenius

The ‘LL Bean Model’ 

Strike a pose. Flannel, Jeans, and some Bean Boots (noticing a pattern here?). It can be dressed up or dressed down, so it’s super versatile for class and evening obligations. Perfect for a casual stroll, some intense lumber jacking…or an afternoon Apple Picking with friends – because let’s face it…everyone in your friend group will be wearing at least one of these things.  (Extra points for snagging that classic catalog selfie.)

The ‘No Care Flair’

Style Blog

Fall rolls around you completely lose any and all motivation to dress appropriately.  The days are shorter (sun sets at 7PM now?!), the air is cooler, and the beach is a distant memory. Oh well. Who cares. Sweatpants, Sweatshirts, and Slippers it is.  Maybe some flannel PJs. This style is for us, people. As long as you’re warm and cozy, that’s really all that matters.

The ‘Tough Guy’


The temperature is heading to the mid-40’s and 50’s – but these folks are still rocking shorts and sandals. We get it. You’re tough. We’ve all seen Frozen, but you’re taking “The cold never bothered me anyway” to new heights.  We all know these people who are trapped in a weather time-warp and still wear shorts and various inappropriate articles of clothing for the weather well into the middle of November.  We’re fine without frostbite, thank you very much.

The ‘Skaterboi’

Cuffed chinos, Vans, and a Five-Panel (“dad”) hat.  Usually with a skateboard in tow. Excuse me, while I channel and unleash my inner Avril Lavigne and silently sing this song while you’re skating by me on the hill next to the library.   (We joke because we love ya’ Jake.)

The ‘West-Coaster’

With an incoming class of over 2,000 folks – we’re already starting to notice the non-New Englander’s react to the changing of the seasons.  While the rest of us slowly layer up, the puffy down jackets and perplexed faces are already out for those more used to sunny skies and sandy beaches – what do you mean the ground freezes in the morning!? You’ll make it through, promise.  Our advice? Save the parkas for December through February, trust us.

‘Stocks & Socks’

This one is kinda self-explanatory and pretty versatile, seeing you can really wear any fall-y style clothes above your ankles. It’s definitely a personal favorite, gotta get the most out of your beloved ‘Birks.’

The ‘Experienced One’

You’ve been around the block.  You’re prepared. You’re experienced. After many falls in Vermont – you’re ‘falling’ for none of it (lol, get it?). It may be because you are from Vermont, or it may be because you really just know how to do weather and match your clothing to the autumnal colors – but with those Carhartts, you’ve got it down – even if you’re often mistaken for park ranger…

The ‘Eager Beaver’

Snow doesn’t head our way until late November, but you’ve already bought your ski pass and are wearing your ski jacket. You’re telling yourself it’s just to ‘break it in,’ but we know you’re trying to will the weather into existence through pure fashion. You’ve definitely contemplated bringing ski poles to class, and you have the Ski & Snowboard Club’s Season Pass pick-up day blocked off on your calendar.  The ‘swish swish’ of your snow pants scream “asking me what mountain I’m skiing or riding at this year” because you’re already working to find your peeps and get the most out of that night pass to Bolton.

Are you and your friends’ styles here? Mine definitely are. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or just email us and let us know if we missed anything – or if we really hit the nail on the head!