Kesha Ram Hunsdale

Kesha was born into a multiracial, working class family that gave back to the community every chance they could. She grew up waiting tables in the family business — an Irish pub run by her Jewish American mother and Indian immigrant father. She learned from her father to ask the critical, difficult questions, and from her mother to hold space while empowering those around her.

Kesha knows the cost of broken systems. She experienced racial profiling at 13 years old while walking home with a friend, when she was arrested without explanation. She and her friend were detained most of the night without legal representation or being able to call their families, while the officers bragged about receiving overtime pay. In the moment, it took away her humanity. She vowed to build towards a world that honors the dignity and safety of all, especially our young people. From her earliest run for office, this is what’s powered her voice.

For over a decade, Kesha has served the people of Vermont – breaking barriers, building consensus, and delivering meaningful progress. Now, when corporate interests and right-wing extremists are threatening not just our future, but our fundamental rights, we need strong leaders like Kesha in Congress to fight for working Vermonters.