PIVOT Logo Competiton

Be a part of a student logo design contest for the new program PIVOT! Submissions are due on May 10th and the winner gets a $50 cash prize!


The PIVOT Program trains undergraduate students to serve as campus leaders dedicated to building a UVM community free from sexual violence, dating/intimate partner violence, and stalking. Peer educators organize events, create social awareness campaigns, and run workshops on various topics (e.g., bystander intervention, consent education, healthy relationships) that give UVM students the knowledge and tools to help prevent violence on and off campus. Peer educator training uses an intersectional approach in which trainees learn about the structural, cultural, and social contexts that uphold violence and differentially impact the experiences of survivors of various identities and backgrounds. The PIVOT Peer Educators Program is a student-driven initiative founded on activism and social justice. As such, it aims to empower all UVM students to help create the environment where they live and learn.

Students train to become PIVOT Peer Educators through a series of two courses that are open to any major/college.

  • The first course applies an intersectional lens to understanding interpersonal violence and its role within larger systems of oppression. Students in this course acquire specialized knowledge of research, practice, and policy related to sexual violence, dating/intimate partner violence, and stalking. The first course is open to anyone on campus who wishes to gain a better understanding of interpersonal violence, even if they do not intend to go on to become a peer educator.
  • The second course in the series provides students with a safe, collaborative environment in which to learn, create, and practice how to apply this new knowledge to social change efforts at UVM. Students will also be tasked in this course with evaluating their work for meaningful inclusivity that centers the voices of the most marginalized victim-survivors on campus.