Bored How-To: Chocolate Chip Cookie in a Mug

Ever since I got to college, I’ve been dying to try to make a mug cake.
If you’ve never heard of them before (are you in college?), mug cakes are essentially tiny cakes for one that you can supposedly make with very few, very basic ingredients, and in a MUG. So cute, right? It’s like the broke-er, humbler version of a cupcake. But just as sweet and delicious.
I don’t know why it took me almost two whole years to finally get this bug out of my system (oh, right, homework) but my friends and I have finally started experimenting with the fabled mug cake recipes. And they are super duper fun. Plus, we’re only using ingredients that we can scrounge on campus from the Marché and the Redstone Market, so they are incredibly easy for anyone at UVM to try to make. If you’ve got a sweet tooth and a little time on your hands (or need a good excuse to procrastinate), here is my version of a chocolate-chip-cookie-in-a-mug recipe. Good luck! ♥